The table below details some key terms used when communicating with centres regarding level 1/2 and level 3 qualifications.


Glossary of terms

StudentAn individual who is enrolled in a centre for a specific qualification.
They may also be referred to as a learner and/or candidate within specific awarding organisation communication.
RegistrationThe process by which centres inform the awarding organisation of the students on a specific learning pathway / programme.
EntryThe process by which a centre notifies an awarding organisation that a student intends to take an assessment. May also be referred to as a booking.
AssessmentThe process of evaluating a student’s learning, skills, knowledge and understanding. In terms of vocationally related qualifications, this may include an evaluation of the student’s occupational competence and vocationally related achievement. This can also be referred to as an examination.
Claim / Cash inThe process by which a centre informs the awarding organisation that a student has completed all units in a qualification and requires the awarding organisation to aggregate the student’s unit results to obtain an overall qualification outcome. This may also be referred to as cashing in, claiming or certificate / certification. N.B. Not all qualifications require centres to cash in or claim a qualification result. Exams Officers should refer to individual qualification specifications for information on specific qualification awarding processes.
ModerationThe process of verifying that assessment standards have been applied correctly and consistently between assessors, between centres and over time. This process may also involve making adjustments to marks where required, to compensate for any differences in the standards that are encountered.
External Quality AssuranceThe process by which the awarding organisation ensures that assessment and internal quality assurance activities have been conducted by the centre in a consistent, safe and fair manner. External Quality Assurance is carried out by External Quality Assurers appointed by the Awarding Organisation.
Unit resultThe result issued to a student following completion of an individual assessment unit. This may also be referred to as a component result or assessment result.
Qualification resultThe result issued to a student once they have completed a qualification. This can also be referred to as certification or outcome.
Key DatesImportant Awarding Organisation’s dates (timescales and deadlines) by which specific actions must be completed and deliverables achieved. Please refer to individual awarding organisation websites for more information.
Senior Designated contactA senior leader within a centre who has the authority to access information and take key decisions outside of term time as required.
Term-time check (before the main exam begins)A formal check conducted by the awarding organisation with its centres. The term-time check seeks to ensure the awarding organisation has increased visibility of students' taking assessments in a particular series (e.g. summer) and those expecting a qualification result following the series, to facilitate their progression.