All centres must have an examination contingency plan/examinations policy on file for inspection.

The examination contingency plan/examinations policy should cover all aspects of examination administration. It will allow senior leaders to have a robust contingency plan in place, minimising risk to examination administration and any adverse impact on candidates, should the head of centre, relevant senior leader(s), SENCo/ALNCo, examinations officer or any other key staff essential to the examination process be absent at a critical stage of the examination cycle.

Centres should also consider the potential impact of other events such as flooding or a cyber attack.

To reduce bureaucracy and burden for centres, a particular format or template will not be specified. We believe that senior leaders within schools and colleges are best placed to determine their own examination contingency plan/examinations policy.

The following documents will provide a framework for senior leaders to build and shape a plan/policy in light of their local circumstances: 

Preparing for disruption to examinations – JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications