Our online tool to help you find centres accepting private candidates for 2024 exam series is now live on this page.


Instructions for using the search tool for centres accepting private candidates:
Simply enter your postcode, select the type of qualification and the exam board you wish to enter with, and click Submit. You can then filter your results by specific subject or by type of qualification using the drop-down and clicking Submit again. Results will be listed by proximity to the postcode you enter. You can then click on a centre for further information, the deadline for applications and contact details.

Please be aware that centres may still accept private candidates even if they are not listed on the JCQ website. Appearing on the list is not a prerequisite for supporting private candidates.

If you know the number of the centre you are looking for, you can enter it here.

Enter your postcode, select your filters and click submit to see centres near you

You can refine these results by selecting your chosen subject here:

Centre No.Centre NameCentre AddressTelephoneFull Details
33620Minhaj College30 Brindley Road, Manchester, M16 9HQ0161 647 7094More Details >
46445The Spanish Learning Centre239 Church Street, Blackpool, FY1 3PB01253 294822More Details >
33151Intuition Centre212A Finney Lane, Heald Green, Cheadle, SK8 3QA0161 637 4220More Details >
33118Darul Hadis Latifiah NorthwestPlum Street, Oldham OL8 1TJ01616274422More Details >
33128Hulme Grammar SchoolChamber Road, Oldham, OL8 4BX0161 630 6201/624 4497More Details >
40530Macclesfield Tutorial College20 Cumberland Street, Macclesfield, SK10 1DD01625-501440More Details >
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